Editor: Julio César Tovar-Gálvez
ISBN: 978-94-92805-04-1
Language: Spanish, Portuguese and English
Publication date: November, 2018
Pages: 251
Description: This edited volume is composed of twenty-four chapters and explores the Latin American education context. It covers topics such as technological resources, teaching-learning methodologies, innovative projects and proposals.
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Table of contents
1. Teaching transformations for a competency-based science education Julio César Tovar-Gálvez Pages 1-10
2. The degree of doctor as indicator of academic quality in higher education institutions of Mexico Victor Daniel Melendres Carlos Pages 11-19
3. Acquisition of musical expertise through MOOCS: preliminary notes of a case study Priscilla Normando Pages 20-30
4. How to teach students to transfer technology through multidisciplinary teams Nicolás Dominguez-Vergara, José Luis Pantoja-Gallegos, Daniel N. Dominguez-Perez Pages 31-41
5. Experimenta 21: Technology and practice to enhance learning Verónica Herrero, Elisa Mercedes Panero Pages 42-52
6. Evaluation of digital competence in higher education students at the Instituto Politecnico Nacional Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa, Mayra Alejandra Vargas Londoño, Rosa María Rivas García Pages 53-60
7. The actor-network theory in learning games in a classroom Patrícia Silva Pages 61-71 |
8. Social service in three Mexican Public Universities. A comparative analysis Rocío Huerta Cuervo Pages 72-84
9. Human training for the self-regulation of university students and social transformation Jenny Consuelo Mahecha Escobar, Francisco Conejo Carrasco Pages 85-93
10. Perception on Digital Platforms as a learning resource for Speech Therapy students María Fernanda Agudelo Vizcaíno, María Patricia González Vega, Carolina Alburquenque Campos, Javier Santis Tavilo, Alexis Sebastián Palta López Pages 94-104
11. Interculturality and education in cultural encounters Ana Bugnone, Verónica Capasso Pages 105-115
12. Transparency and corporate governance: An analysis at universities located in Central America Jesús Mauricio Flórez-Parra Pages 116-129
13. Influence of continuous assessment on the learning process of financial accounting university subject José Manuel Santos Jaén Pages 130-140
14. Implementing ICT for dissemination of international business degrees Jose Alejandro Cano, Jose Jaime Baena Rojas Pages 141-150
15. Education in Environmental Accounting in Latin America: A reflection of the academic feld Nancy Edith Arévalo-Galindo Pages 151-158
16. A look at the educational quality: who fails in college drop out? Maria Paula Seminara Pages 159-169
17. The colloquial record for learning through emotions Luis Enrique Peñuelas Carrillo Pages 170-178
18. Attention to diversity: challenges in Higher Education Jorge Ivan Correa Alzate, Nataly Restrepo Restrepo Pages 179-190
19. Digital technologies and active learning methodologies in human anatomy teaching in higher education Roberta Dall Agnese da Costa Pages 191-199
20. Factors influencing the choice of university careers. Technical University of Manabi Yita Maribel Briones Palacios, José Raymundo Triviño Sabando Pages 200-207
21. Cinema as a tool to deepen the legal debate in the Postgraduate Program in Law of UFMG Fernando Gonzaga Jayme Pages 208-215
22. Self-esteem and academic achievement in Students of the University Life Induction Program Marco A. Vega Petkovic Pages 216-224
23. Digital gap’s social audit in 151 countries: 2012-2016 Evodio Sánchez Rodríguez Pages 225-235
24. Design and implementation of an instructional pedagogical assistant Jorge Augusto Jaramillo Mujica, Karen Linares Luque, Leonel Felipe Morales Avella Pages 236-244