If you have previously submitted a proposal, and the Editor has sent you a confirmation email, please send the full work to the editor email according to the following guidelines.
General format guidelines
- Language: English, Spanish, French, Italian or Portuguese.
- Document file extension: .doc, .docx
- Page orientation: vertical.
- Margins: Top and bottom 2.5 cm (1 inch) – left and right 2,5 cm (1 inch).
- Font: Arial or Times New Roman
- Line spacing : simple.
- Font size: title 14 points bold; Authors details 12 points; Body text: 12 points; Main sections heading: 12 points bold; Subsections heading: 12 points in italics; Quotations within the text of more than 40 words: Arial, 10 points.
- References: APA 7th ed.
- Images: resolution 96dpi. Preferably use an original image. If you use third-party images, please be sure to reference the original source. If the image is protected by copyright you will need to get permission from the copyright holder.
- Hyperlinks: useful to redirect to biography, external materials or resources.
- Short biography: between 100 and 150 words.
Publication ethics
- Authors must disclose any financial and/or personal relationships with other organization and/or people that could influence their work. If there are no conflicts of interest, please state “I declare that there are not conflicts of interest”.
- Please, provide information if your research was developed with financial support or state that there have been not funding to carry out the research.
- When submitting a work to be considered for evaluation in Adaya Press, authors must guarantee that the work has not been published previously, it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and all authors explicitly approve its publication. If part of the work has been published as an abstract or as part of a published academic thesis or lecture, please properly cite those parts of the work that have been published and the original font.
- All authors must have participated in the work and a statement with authors publication acceptance must be included in the disclosure.
- When submitting a spontaneus proposal where there have been different authors, please consider the list and order of authors before submitting the full work.