The role of gender in students’ achievement and self-efficacy in STEM


The role of gender in students’ achievement and self-efficacy in STEM


Despoina Schina, Vanessa Esteve-González, Mireia Usart

The underrepresentation of girls and women in studies areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) is a worldwide phenomenon. This underrepresentation is a continual concern for social scientists and policymakers (Stoet & Geary, 2018). While more women are studying science than ever before, recruitment to key areas, namely physics and engineering remains stagnant (Smith, 2011). In a cross-country study carried out by Stoet and Geary (2018) it was found that women obtained fewer college degrees in STEM disciplines than men in all assessed nations. Based on this, fewer college degrees in STEM disciplines possibly lead to fewer career opportunities for females in STEM areas than males. The factors that may influence males’ and females’ educational and career choices will be discussed in this paper.

STEM, self-efficacy, achievement, students.

DOI: 10.58909/ad19468428



Schina, D., Esteve-González, V., & Usart, M. (2019). The role of gender in students’ achievement and self-efficacy in STEM. In Pérez-Aldeguer, S., & Akombo, D. (Eds.), Research, technology and best practices in Education. (pp. 28-38). Eindhoven, NL: Adaya Press.

The role of gender in students’ achievement and self-efficacy in STEM