

Adaya Press is an independent Open Access publisher that provides a complete academic publishing service and aims to contribute to the creation of new connections with colleagues from all over the world and from all fields of knowledge. We are committed to the dissemination of high quality research through the application of a comprehensive review by at least two specialists in the field of knowledge.

We believe in the value of shared knowledge. For this reason, we publish our books under a Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), which guarantees authors to retain the copyrights of their works and the freedom to use, adapt and share them.

Why publish with Adaya Press?

Adaya Press offers an agile, flexible, affordable and fully accessible academic service to all audiences through publication in Open Access. We handle the publishing and distribution of electronic books in different media (social networks, academic institutions…) and database indexing (Book Citation Index, Doab, SciELO…). Authors are provided with personalized resources, support, advice and constructive feedback to submit and improve the quality of their work. Our publication processing fees (PPF) are based on the principles of equity, so we offer different possibilities to allow those researchers without institutional assistance to benefit of high quality services.