Innovative strategies for Higher Education in Spain


Editor: REDINE
Spanish and English
Publication date: 
May, 2018
This edited volume is composed of twenty-one chapters and covers topics such as digital skills, teaching-learning methodologies, innovative projects and proposals, and reflections on the Spanish University context.

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Table of contents

1. My experience in the Spanish education system
Carlos Blanco
Pages 1-7
2. Gamifcation in the evaluation of learning: assessment of the use of Kahoot!
Diana Marín Suelves, Mª Isabel Vidal Esteve, José Peirats Chacón, María López Marí
Pages 8-17
3. Digital competence of University Teacher: design and validation of a certification test
Marta Durán Cuartero
Pages 18-26
4. How do university students value tutoring processes?
José Antonio Giménez Costa, María Teresa Cortés Tomás, Patricia Motos Sellés
Pages 27-38
5. Teaching methodology according to the learning styles of Medical students
María Concepción Vega-Hernández, María Carmen Patino-Alonso, María Purificación Vicente-Galindo
Pages 39-48
6. Digital competence in the university context with the Kahoot application!
C. Vanesa Álvarez-Rosa, Emilia Velasco Marcos, Manuel Nevot Navarro, Vicente. M. Marcet Rodríguez, Isaac Castrillo de la Mata
Pages 49-57
7. Beverages and labeling as a teaching resource
Ana Isabel de Mena Sánchez
Pages 58-68
8. An application proyect for the Flipped Classroom in Communication Sciences
Carmen del Rocío Monedero Morales, Antonio Castro Higueras
Pages 69-79
9. Virtual mentoring of Masters Dissertations: a practical experience
Jorge Lizandra Mora, Alexandra Valencia-Peris
Pages 80-89
10. Optimizing formal working teams’ effectiveness extracting data from Multiple Choice Questionnaires
David Valladares Hernando
Pages 90-97
11. Active Learning Methodologies in a Postgraduate course in Economics
María del Carmen Sánchez-Carreira, Óscar Rodil Marzábal
Pages 98-111
12. Teacher training of beginning university teachers in Spain: a current glance
Rafael Moll Noguera
Pages 112-122
13. PhD training program activities from a global perspective. A comparison between two European Universities
M. Victoria Muerza-Marín
Pages 123-130
14. Methods and innovative applications to maximize learning evaluation in university teaching
Javier Puche
Pages 131-140
15. Phonetic transcription on Twitter: tradition and modernity in education
Elena Fernández de Molina Ortés
Pages 141-150
16. Correlation between four scales of learning styles and academic performance
M.Sc. Greibin Villegas Barahona, Dra. Mercedes Sánchez Barba, Dra Ana B. Sánchez-García, Dra. María Purifcación Galindo Villardón
Pages 151-174
17. Development of a spreadsheet for air conditioning classes
Emilio José Sarabia Escriva, Víctor Manuel Soto Francés
Pages 175-183
18. Challenges of teachers to educate on human rights and democracy
Isabel María Gallardo Fernández
Pages 184-193
19. Reading at university: a reading plan proposal in Higher Education
Miquel A. Oltra Albiach
Pages 194-200
20. PechaKucha as a tool for educational innovation in the European Higher Education Area
Ana María Botella Nicolás, Amparo Hurtado Soler, Sonsoles Ramos Ahijado
Pages 201-212
21. Internet Habitability: A methodological tool for analysis and evaluation in virtual educational spaces
Andrea González Aguilar
Pages 213-223
Innovative strategies for Higher Education in Spain